Author: Barbara Bottner
Illustrator: Michael Emberly
Publication Date: 2010
Genre/Format: Realistic Fiction/Picture Book
Summary: Poor Missy just doesn't like books and can't get excited about books despite her librarian's efforts. Miss Brooks doesn't give up until she finds a book that's just what Missy is looking for!
What I Think: Am I the only one who didn't know "Shrek" the movie was based off of Shrek!
the book by William Steig? I hadn't a clue! I just added it to my list of books to get this week! Back to Miss Brooks Loves Books
...this is such a fun book that I could completely relate to after years of working with students and encouraging them to read. Sometimes it's hard to find books kids will get into and other times it is! Missy is such a great character, the text and the illustrations work together amazingly to bring her to life. I love that Miss Brooks never gives up and finally does find a book that Missy wants to read and gets excited about reading. I think this would be great for starting a discussion about choosing books AND I have a feeling kids would all want to read Shrek
! the book if they read this book!
Read Together: 1 - 5
Read Alone: 3 - 5
Read With: Shrek!
by William Steig; Wild About Books
by Judy Sierra;
Snatch of Text: "Then in May, Miss Brooks tells us about something truly terrifying: Book Week!
'You each need to pick a favorite story to share with the class. I want you to waer a costume and tell us all about it. Really show us why you love it!' she says.
'I'll never love a book the way you do,' I tell Miss Brooks.
'Don't be so sure,' she says.
When I get home, I ask my mother if we can move to a new town. My mother says there's a librarian in every town.
I ask if she wants to do my assignment for me.
'I've already been in the first grade,' says my mother."
Reading Strategies to Practice: Activating Background Knowledge, Choosing Just-Right Books, Making Connections
Writing Strategies to Practice: Characterization, Personal Narrative
Writing Prompts: Write about a time in your life when you were not looking forward to something, but then it turned out to be a good experience. Write about a person who got you interested in books. Write an article persuading someone to read your favorite genre of books.
Topics Covered: Reading, Genres, Creating an Environment for Reading
Translated to Spanish: No
I love read-alouds that innovate reluctant readers to love books. Thanks for the recommendation & for visiting my blog :o)