Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Bit of Me(me) 2/13/11

 Weekends get pretty busy around our house so I missed posted last week's A Bit of Me(me) post...but I really was excited to post it so I'm going to post both questions this week!

Last week's question was:
What's Your Favorite Color?

Technically, my favorite color would be pink if I had to pick a color, but I tend to just live a colorful life in general.  I love all the colors and wear lots of colors.  I'm a huge Vera Bradley fan and I started with one pattern and then I keep going back for more and more and now I have a nice colorful collection!


This week's question is: 
What is the single best trip you've ever taken?
Gosh, this is hard!  When I was in high school I was able to tour Italy with the orchestra and it was an amazing trip.  I remember it vividly and I hope someday I get to go back.  It was amazing to see things out of my history books in real life.  We also chaperoned an 8th grade trip to Washington, DC in 2006 and that was another trip I won't forget because I learned so much about our nation's history and got to see a lot of history in real life, too.  But I would have to say I have a sweet spot in my heart for Disney World and our trip in 2008 was a great trip.  I could have cried when we left and anyone mentions Disney and it's all I can think about.  Luckily, we're going again this year so I can think about it and know we'll be there soon!  
What I loved so much about our trip in 2008 was that we were able to take Peanut for the first time.  We were in Florida for my husband's grandmother's birthday.  All the extended family was there for a visit and then we decided to drive to Orlando to do Disney since we had already paid for the air fare to Florida.  Peanut was 14 months old and we knew he wouldn't remember the trip, but we were still excited to take him.  He knew who Mickey was and called him, "Mo Mo."  When we met Mickey for the first time, Peanut leaned over and gave him a kiss on the nose.  That moment alone made the whole entire trip worth it, he was just so cute and he loved seeing Mickey so much.  Now that we are going back again we've shown him pictures of the first time he went and now he'll tell people about how he has already been and what he did the first time.  Little Bean will be almost the same age when we go this year.  PLUS, we're my parents are coming with and we're taking my 2 nephews so this year might top that first trip with Peanut, but that's okay.  I'm excited!
If you want to see more of my most memorable trip, here are links to my blog posts when we went!

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 08/28/2023

  It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? From Picture Books to YA!   It's Monday! What are you Reading? is a weekly blog hop hosted by Kelle...