We all leave our “footprint” on the world, in one way or another. In our daily lives, we each do something or are someone that makes the world a little better simply by being ourselves. Danielle from There's a Book created this wonderful, weekly meme to learn a bit more about bloggers in this blogging community we all have come to love. The idea is to share our lives outside of books. Each week a question will be posted. Your job is to answer in the following week’s “A Bit of Me(Me)”. You can link up here with your post that answers Danielle's question from last week.
We understand that some of you are skeptical about putting yourself out there on the internet and completely respect that. If ever a questions is posed through this meme that you feel is too personal for your liking, feel free to post something else. We don't want anyone to feel uncomfortable with what they share and promise the kids will always be “kid-friendly”. Really, this is a primarily children’s and young adult site, you know?
So, let’s get started!
Describe your perfect winter day.
Seriously, that is really this week's question. Really. I'm not sure if you are like me, but I'm enjoying my cool but sunny fall weather and not really excited about winter rolling around. I heard this year is supposed to be an exceptionally brutal winter in Chicago. I'm going to stay positive though. I can handle it, I've lived here all my life. I just don't really look forward to bundling kiddos up in winter coats and hats and mitten (that I can never find the matches to...) and then trying to squish them into car seats. And defrosting the car windows before we leave. And shoveling the walk and driveway. Wait. Positive, I said, right?
Okay, my perfect winter day would be spent as such, ahem:
Okay, my perfect winter day would be spent as such, ahem:
Waking up in my nice, cozy bed.
Sun shining outside.
New snow glistening on treetops outside my window.
Peppermint hot chocolate warming my fingers wrapped around the mug.
Pancakes drowning in melted butter and pure maple syrup.
Watching movies, playing cards, crafting sticky, gluey projects.
Snuggling on the couch while reading our pile of books.
Tucking sleeping kiddos into bed.
Reading my own book.
Reflecting on my relaxing day before drifting to sleep in my nice, cozy bed.
The poetic side of me took over! Wintry days seem to beg for poems. Now I'm kind of looking forward to winter. At least, winter break, notice my poem avoided going out in the snow? I like to look at it out my window, thank you very much.
Next week’s A Bit of Me(Me) will be hosted by Crystal at I Totally Paused! where she will provide the link-up and the next question for the following week. Thanks everyone! See you next week!
Next Week’s Question (link-up with your answer at Crystal’s site): How do you eat your cereal? Do you like it crispy or soggy? Do you like it with milk or without milk? Do you like lots of milk or just a smidge?
Have a question to add? We love suggestions! Just leave them in the comments and I’ll share them with Danielle so we can think about adding them in as we go! Also, feel free to grab either of the buttons for your own “A Bit of Me(Me)” post (or create your own), but make sure to link back to There’s A Book. (You can also resize these down to a smaller size if you’d like.)
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