Saturday, April 28, 2012

It's A-Okay to Reread in April - Week 4

April is nearing its end and that means my month of rereading is coming to an end, too. It has been a great month of rereading but I am excited to get to my TBR that has waited until May. The first books I am going to read are Kate Messner's Marty McGuire Digs Worms and Tom Angleberger's Fake Mustache. I'll be listening to Jack Ferraiolo's The Big Splash. Here's how I did with my rereading list!

Jen's April Rereads:

Time Traveler's Wife *finished reread 4/6/12*
Wonder (audio) *finished reread 4/4/12*
Graceling *finished reread 4/20/12*
Charlotte's Web (audio) *finished reread 4/9/12*
Hurt Go Happy (I skipped it in my video, sorry!) *currently rereading*
Marty McGuire #1 *finished reread 4/20/12*
Little Princess
Finnikin of the Rock (audio) *finished reread 4/16/12*
Night Circus *currently rereading*
 Fire (audio) *finished reread 4/27/12*
Maniac McGee (audio) *finished reread 4/9/12*
True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle (audio) *finished reread 4/20/12*

Backups (If I have time):
Outsiders (audio) *currently rereading*
First Part Last (audio) *finished reread 4/3/12*
Stargirl (audio) *finished reread 4/23/12*

Jen's Deep Thoughts on Rereading:
I am truly amazed at how much I have loved this month of rereading. Before this month, I would have told you that I don't reread. The one book I have had the desire and patience to reread in the past is The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. Otherwise, I had reread a book to teach it or to read aloud with students or to see if my memories of it from my childhood were still the same today. In the last few years, I reread The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett and The Babysitter's Club series by Ann M. Martin. My purpose for rereading these was to see if they were as great as I remember. I have also recently reread Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger and A Wrinkle In Time by Madeline L'Engle to see if they were still as confusing to me now an adult as I remember them being when I read them in school. I still cannot identify with Holden and, while I respect A Wrinkle In Time more now, there were still parts of it that confused me and I felt it was on the uber side of sci-fi.

My purpose for rereading some of the books on my list this April was to compare my memories from when I read them as a child. Charlotte's Web, Maniac Magee, Charlotte Doyle, and Outsiders did not disappoint me. I loved them as a child and I loved them still now. I was glad to revisit them and have the story clear in my head after such a long time.

The other books, I have read more recently and simply wanted to reread for fun - to be able to immerse myself in the stories again and bask in the amazing writing of some of my favorite authors. I have loved rereading every single one...except for Hurt Go Happy. I really enjoyed this book the first time but this month I was in love with rereading my favorite fantasies and I just wasn't in the mood to reread it. Nothing against the book. Part of it was that I had a busy week and didn't have much time to read, but I also felt myself not excited to read it. I finally picked up Night Circus last night for a change of pace.

I have done a lot of rereading this month! I wasn't sure I would get through it all and I'm still not sure...but I'm pretty close! I don't think I'll get to Little Princess but I have started the others and I am going to try my best to get through the ones I'm currently reading right now. I can do it!

Thank you to everyone who reread along with me in April and for sharing your rereading revelations! Please let me know in the comments if you are completed the Rereading Rules!  or the Rereading Rockstar! challenge. Leave your e-mail in the comments and I will send you your button!!! You win!

Rereading Rules!
Reread 1 novel (MG or YA) and 3 picture books or chapter books.
Write at least 1 blog post or 1 comment that shares your rereading experience.
Any book that you have read before - 
whether it was 20 years ago or 20 minutes ago counts as a reread! 

Rereading Rockstar!
Reread 2 novels (MG or YA) and 5 picture books or chapter books.
Write at least 2 blog posts or 4 comments that share your rereading experience.
Any book that you have read before - 
whether it was 20 years ago or 20 minutes ago counts as a reread!  


It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 08/28/2023

  It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? From Picture Books to YA!   It's Monday! What are you Reading? is a weekly blog hop hosted by Kelle...