Today’s TMT Blogiversary Blog Tour Stop is at A Year of Reading!
Visit Franki's blog to read about her favorite mentor text!
Visit Franki's blog to read about her favorite mentor text!
This is it! Today is the real day! *throws confetti* Celebrating our two-year blogiversary is really more about thanking everyone who stops by to read what we have to share and everyone who loves talking about books, reading, and writing as much as we do. Our main purpose for this blog is to share our literacy lives and ideas about mentor texts. We appreciate comments and feedback and have learned so much ourselves from our awesome community of book lovers. Thank you!!!
The TMT Blogiversary Blog Tour has made its way to some of our favorite blogs!
Make sure you visit these blogs to see our friends' favorite mentor texts!
Here are the winners of two of our blogiversary giveaways!
Congratulations to:
Congratulations to:

for winning Lunch Lady and the Mutant Mathletes by Jarrett J. Krosozcka
Congratulations to:
Congratulations to:

for winning an ARC of See You At Harry's by Jo Knowles
Without further ado, we are excited to share our Reading Is... video! Thank you to everyone
who sent in their videos or thoughts on how they would finish the sentence, "Reading is..."
who sent in their videos or thoughts on how they would finish the sentence, "Reading is..."
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