It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? From Picture Books to YA!
It's Monday! What are you Reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journeys. It is a great way to recap what you read and/or reviewed the previous week and to plan out your reading and reviews for the upcoming week. It's also a great chance to see what others are reading right now…who knows, you might discover that next “must read” book!
After doing the meme for a couple of weeks, we realized this would be a fun meme to start up with a kidlit focus - anyone reading and reviewing books in children's literature - it can be picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels, you name it in the world of kidlit and it's in! We have loved being a part of this meme and we hope you do too! We encourage everyone participating to go and visit the other kidlit book bloggers that link up and to comment on as many posts as you can. We love talking books and believe in sharing and discussing what we're reading. We hope you join us!
Last Week's Book Adventures:
Jen Says: Last week I read some great picture books! I also listened to True...sort of on audio. I'm almost done. I was traveling and then busy with after school professional development so I don't feel like I got as much reading done as I would have liked. I'm at least getting to lots of great picture books! I'm sharing my #bookpics from last week since I didn't get them up in time.
Kellee Says: I finally finished Daniel X!! I am sad to say, that I have not been so happy in a while to finish an audiobook. I was told that the problem with James Patterson books is that he is a bit like the Chihualy of books- he outlines the work, but doesn't execute it. With this one, the outline was brilliant- a great story idea- but the execution was just not done well. Luckily, this week, I finished some other novels which were great:
*Radiate by Marley Gibson- This one was probably my least favorite from the week, but I think that is a fault of my own as I just did not like or connect with the protagonist for most of the book. I do like the message that it shares and it is very emotional; just not one I truly enjoyed.
*Eighth Grade Makes Me Sick by Jennifer L. Holm- I love Ginny Davis and I love the Ginny Davis books! There has to be more.
*Radiate by Marley Gibson- This one was probably my least favorite from the week, but I think that is a fault of my own as I just did not like or connect with the protagonist for most of the book. I do like the message that it shares and it is very emotional; just not one I truly enjoyed.
*Eighth Grade Makes Me Sick by Jennifer L. Holm- I love Ginny Davis and I love the Ginny Davis books! There has to be more.
*Croak by Gina Damico- I liked this much more than I thought I was going to and I am looking forward to reviewing it and hopefully reading the sequel in the near(er) future.
*Lunch Lady and the Picture Day Peril by Jarrett Krosocozka- Loved this one as much as the other and it was so much fun to see Mr. Schu making a cameo.
*Lunch Lady and the Picture Day Peril by Jarrett Krosocozka- Loved this one as much as the other and it was so much fun to see Mr. Schu making a cameo.
Reviewed Last Week:
Just click on any picture above to go read the review
Upcoming Book Adventures:
Jen Says: This week I'll finish up True (...Sort Of) by Katherine Hannigan and then will get back to The Forest of Hands and Teeth that I started last week, too. I have Necromancing the Stone sitting next to my bed that I am really excited to read and also some professional books that I feel like I have been neglecting. I also have some early readers I would like to get to this week!
Kellee Says: I started listening to A Cat Ate My Gymsuit by Paula Danzinger which I have always wanted to read; I'm glad I am finally getting to it. So far I am enjoying it. I have also been rereading The Book Whisperer and I hope to finish it this week. Finally, I started A Girl Named Digit by Annabel Monaghan and so far the story is fascinating and I love books with smart and strong girl protagonists.
This Week's Reviews:

Check back throughout the week to hear about these books.
So, what are you reading this week?
Link up below and don't forget to check out other blogs to see what they are reading!
To help build our community and support other bloggers,
we ask that you please try to comment on at least the three blogs that posted before you.
Also, if you tweet about your Monday post, don't forget to use #IMWAYR!
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