Every time I see my old principal who hired me at for my first teaching job, I want to run over and give him a great big hug. Why? Because I would have never gotten to where I am if not for him. When I met my first principal (MFP), I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. It, at that point, was my choice because I didn't know what else to do. My "dream" of becoming a literature professor or lawyer didn't seem to be happening and I had to move forward, so I went to an open job interview for my county's school district after nudging from my mother who said I was born to be a teacher. I was randomly placed and was interviewed for the county by MFP and after the county interview, he offered me an 8th grade job on the spot. At the time, I was terrified of anyone over 11, so I turned it down [I had decided to go back to school for an elementary education degree]. Crazy, I know, but it was before jobs were scarce. He did, though, give me a contract with the county and said he'd contact me if a 6th grade job opened. And he did. I was flabbergasted that this brilliant principal at this amazing middle school wanted me to be a teacher at his school. Then when my interview went HORRIBLE (I said "I don't know..." to at least 2 different questions that I should have been able to answer during the interview), I thought that was it, but no... He still called me and asked me to work for him. I have never had the guts to ask why, but he must have seen something and because of that, I wanted to write him this:
Dear MFP,
It is because of you that I have been able to be part of what I now know is my fate. I may never know why you decided to take a chance with me, but you saw something in me that I didn't even see in myself then. The longer I teach, the more I get involved in education, and the more I meet wonderful educators, I know that this is where I am meant to be. It is my passion. I cannot even imagine my life going in any other direction than it has gone and I have you to thank.
Kellee Moye
Thank someone today who changed your life.
Hearing "THANKS" will make their day.
**Today's and future Thursday posts are inspired by Each Kindness by Jacqueline Woodson**

It's so cute! I am also a teacher and I adore my work, but I feel much more comfortable with older children. I’m afraid to work with small children, because I’m not sure that I can really give them what they need. Therefore, I now plan to order a great resume, because resumesplanet.com reviews pushed me into it, due to the fact I don't have much experience, but I want to get a place in a private school with more comfortable conditions and a higher salary.