Princess's Name: Rapunzel
Her Original Fairy Tale: "Persinette" by Charlotte-Rose de Caumont de La Force, 1698
Her Kingdom: Sturmhagen
Her Charming: Prince Gustav, who didn't exactly rescue her, but tried. In the end, Rapunzel saved herself.
Characteristics: peaceful, trustworthy, compassionate, caring, generous, thoughtful, helpful
"'I'm a peaceful person! I grow turnips and take care of elves with pink eye! I shouldn't be here!'" (p. 340)
"'I just want to help. It's in my nature.'" (p. 471)
Why Kellee Thinks Rapunzel Makes a Strong Role Model: Rapunzel is an amazing woman. After saving herself, Gustav, and the word of her healing tears got out through the bards, Rapunzel continued saving the people who need saving. She is an example of a strong role model who just does what is right because she knows that it is the right thing to do. She doesn't care what others want her to do or how others perceive her, she just wants to help others and be a good person. "'I'm a peaceful person! I grow turnips and take care of elves with pink eye! I shouldn't be here!'" (p. 340)
"'I just want to help. It's in my nature.'" (p. 471)
Why Jen Thinks Rapunzel Makes a Strong Role Model: In this book, Rapunzel seems to be challenging what people think of her. More of her playful personality shines through and I think it takes some of the princes by surprise. There are so many characters involved in both of the Hero's Guide books that it's almost like readers have a lot to experience in terms of the characters all developing relationships with each other. Rapunzel doesn't make an appearance in this book until almost halfway through. It seems clear to me that there is still so much more to learn about Rapunzel. While she isn't as outgoing and assertive as Ella or Briar Rose, she does have strong opinions and a certain confidence in understanding herself and her strengths and weaknesses. I would love to see her play more of a central role in future League of Princes books because I definitely believe there is more to Rapunzel!
What do you love about Rapunzel?
What do you think makes her a representative of girl power?
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