
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The One Where I Get Real About Teachers Write - #slice2013

Every Tuesday, Ruth and Stacey, host Slice of Life at their blog, Two Writing Teachers. Last year, I participated in their month-long Slice of Life Challenge at my other sad and desolate blog where I shared a lot before I started blogging here at Teach Mentor Texts. It was not easy to write every single day, especially when I was trying to write about my life and something worthy for others to see! I did thoroughly enjoy the experience though and am excited to participate on a weekly basis starting today. 

If you want to participate, you can link up at their Slice of Life Story Post on Tuesdays or you can just head on over there to check out other people's stories. For more information on what a Slice of Life post is about, you can go here. I have a feeling my Slices might lean towards how Teachers Write is going but we'll see, maybe something else going on will strike me. Part of the fun is the adventure!  

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Teachers Write is here.  
Teachers Write is here.  
Teachers Write is here!

I know I've been talking about Teachers Write and anticipating Teachers Write but it's actually, truly here and I'm so excited and so stressed and overwhelmed and frustrated and sad at the same time. I adore everyone who I've met through Teachers Write and have discovered just how profound my passion for writing is thanks to Teachers Write, BUT...

I'm taking two grad classes this summer so that I will be endorsed to teach middle school. And these classes are hard! They are both online and require lots of reading and analyzing and multiple-choice exam taking. Not to mention, I thought one would happen after the other but in fact, they overlap. 

I'm trying to read all the books I desperately want to read and that my husband desperately wishes weren't stacked precariously on top of each other all over our house. I have so many books to read and just not enough time.

I'm committed to blogging consistently here at Teach Mentor Texts and I love it but it takes tiiiiiiime.

And the most important: 
I'm home for the summer with my most awesome family, my husband and two adorable sons, with whom I would love to be able to spend time. There are parks waiting to be discovered and water slides waiting for me to zip down them and these three great guys wanting to do do it all with me. Not to mention all the extended family members and friends I would love to hang out with, too. 

I don't usually vent here but Slice of Life is supposed to be about my life and truth be told, this is what I have been grappling with this summer. There's just so much that I want to do and not enough time to really do it all. From the bottom of my heart, I want to write. I want to dig into revisions and draft into all hours of the night but I'm finding I have to pick and choose what I can spend my attention on and things like homework and exams have to take precedence. And I'm so lucky to have the time with my husband and my kids that I feel I have to take advantage of that. Already tomorrow, I have things to do on my calendar and am up late writing this instead of working on my revisions. 

Please don't misunderstand this is making excuses for not writing. It's not about not wanting to write or avoiding my writing. This is just me acknowledging that I'm a busy girl and that it's not easy to make the time for writing this year. It's also me telling myself that at least one of my classes will be done in two weeks and the other will be done in a month. It's a little about me telling myself that the books will get read and that I don't have to push myself to read because it's supposed to be fun. And it's a lot about my telling myself that Teachers Write is here and I better enjoy it because it will just go way too fast. 

I'm feeling like I need baby steps to getting into the Teachers Write groove. I shared on both Kate and Jo's blogs today and that actually was just enough of an accomplishment for this first glorious day of Teachers Write. And I'm okay with that. There will be time for writing sprints and Friday Feedback and reworking my WIP. I know there will be time...and I. can't. wait....but I will, just one day at a time!

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To see what other Slice of Lifers are sharing today, be sure to visit Two Writing Teachers!

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