
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The One With WRAD Blogging Challenge #slice2014

Time is flying...zooming...zipping by so fast! I can't believe World Read Aloud Day will be here in a week! Craziness! Over the weekend, I grabbed a few goodies for our Please Bring Balloons WRAD party. 

I missed the first and second week of the WRAD Blogging Challenge so today will be a triple dose!

What is your earliest or fondest memory in which someone read aloud to you? 
I distinctly remember sitting with my mom in the waiting room at the doctor's office when she was pregnant with my little sister. I must have been four or five based on when my sister was born. The dimly lit space with mahogany chairs and dark green carpeting felt seeped with richness. She read Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now! by Dr. Seuss to me. Now I feel like I have to call my mom because I'm not sure I'm remembering the story accurately but I think it was the first time we had read it and I thought it was so funny that he wouldn't leave. I loved the repetition in the story. It's funny because, when I visited the same office as an adult when I was pregnant, I remember completely recognizing the waiting room being there with my mom and reading this book. (Below are pictures with my mom and my sister - all grown up!)

Adult & Child

I used my own child to answer these "Adult & Child" questions. Peanut is a boy of few words so I kept my answers short, too!

1. I think everyone in the world should read…

Me: Chalk by Bill Thomson, Extra Yarn by Mac Barnett, Mr. Tiger Goes Wild by Peter Brown,  Stand Tall, and Molly Lou Melon by Patty Lovell.

Peanut:The BFG by Roald Dahl.

2. If I could listen to anyone in the world read aloud to me it would be…

Me: Nick Podehl.

Peanut: Mom and Dad.

3. When I read aloud, my favorite character to impersonate is…

Me: robots! Like the ones from Boy + Bot by Ame Dyckman, Beep and Bah by James Burks, Robot Zot by John Scieszka.

Peanut: Donald Duck 

4. The genre or author that takes up the most room on my bookshelf is…

Me: Contemporary young adult - chick lit, basically...but also sci-fi/fantasy. I love time travel and fantasy.

Peanut: Star Wars books.

5. My favorite part about reading aloud or being read to is...

Me: being able to focus on the sound of the words and to visualize the story.

Peanut: when I get warm with blankets. It makes it more fun. 

A Snapshot of My Reading Life 
There's not much more to say about my reading life. I absolutely love my two little readers. It has been fascinating to watch them grown and to share stories with them. Peanut amazes me everyday with all the words he can read. Little Bean is already starting to pretend to read - moving his finger along words on the page and reading what he thinks it says on the page. I love to snuggle up and read with both of these little dudes.

Hoorday! The next part of the challenge is to share my read aloud! I'm so excited for out little party. What are you cooking up for WRAD!? Please share!

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