Saturday, March 8, 2014

Let's Celebrate Support!

It's time to CELEBRATE This Week with Ruth Ayres from Discover. Play. Build.  Every week Ruth invites us to share our celebrations from the week and link up at her blog. What a fun way to reflect on everything there is to be thankful for. 

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This week I'm celebrating support!

*throws confetti*

Honestly, I should be celebrating the fact that I'm actually getting a blog post done in time to link up to the Celebrate post...even if it's a day late. If you follow my blog and/or It's Monday! What Are You Reading?, you know my life has been cray lately. I haven't been able to blog as much but I am still here! I'm still reading and I'm celebrating that I'm still able to even if it isn't as much as I wish it could be. Anything counts in my book. 

When I think about how stressful my life has been lately, I'm so thankful that I have such a great support system. Today, I'm celebrating support. I have an amazing family who is always there for me, willing to help with my kids, give great hugs, bring me vegan treats. I also have some awesome friends. Friends near and far who call me to chat, send uplifting texts, share their stories and kind words. Below are some fun, thoughtful, sweet gifts I have received lately, too.
It all means so much. I wish I could put it all into words but I feel like it could never be enough. My heart feels full. That's the best part. Even though I don't feel like I can be 100% at much right now, it feels amazing to know that it's okay and I need to keep plugging along and doing the best that I can at this point and that it will have to be enough. Lately my best doesn't feel like 110% but I'm learning to be okay with that for now.

When I think about how I have been feeling lately compared to kids and school...there are definitely going to be days when students can't be with us 110%. We never know what kids are bringing to school with them. Helping them to know that school is a safe place and that they can feel comfortable at school is so important. A smile - a genuine, look-you-in-the-eyes kind of smile - can truly go a long way in helping to make someone's day. Today I'm celebrating all the love, energy and support I get from family and friends and that includes everyone who reads my blog. 

Thank you for stopping by, 
thank you for checking in,  
thank you for cheering me on,  
thank you for sharing your stories,
thank you for being you.
I celebrate you!

What are you celebrating this week?

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 08/28/2023

  It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? From Picture Books to YA!   It's Monday! What are you Reading? is a weekly blog hop hosted by Kelle...