
Sunday, May 3, 2015

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? 5/4/15

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? From Picture Books to YA! 
It's Monday! What are you Reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journeys. It is a great way to recap what you read and/or reviewed the previous week and to plan out your reading and reviews for the upcoming week. It's also a great chance to see what others are reading right just might discover your next “must-read” book!
Kellee Moye, of Unleashing Readers, and I decided to give It's Monday! What Are You Reading? a kidlit focus. If you read and review books in children's literature - picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels, anything in the world of kidlit - join us! We love this meme and think you will, too. We encourage everyone who participates to visit at least three of the other kidlit book bloggers that link up and leave comments for them. 

Last Week's Book Adventures:
We had fun with picture books from the library, especially The Bear Ate Your Sandwich by Julia Sarcone-Roach and Leopardpox! by Orna Landau. I finished I Was Here by Gayle Forman and it excellent and now I'm listening to I'll Give You The Sun by Jandy Nelson. It's fascinating so far. I read Steal Like An Artist by Austin Kleon and I would recommend it to anyone and am still working on Our Iceberg Is Melting by Kotter and Rathgeber which is an interesting look at change management.
Last Week's Reviews:
Click on the picture above to go read my review/post.

Upcoming Book Adventures: 
I'm really intrigued by I'll Give You The Sun and we still have lots of picture books to read so I'm excited to find time to read them!

Last Week's Reviews:
Check back throughout the week to read these reviews/posts. 

So, what are you reading this week? 
Link up below and don't forget to check out other blogs to see what they are reading!
To help build our community and support other bloggers, 
we ask that you comment on at least three other blogs before you. 
Also, if you tweet about your Monday post, don't forget to use #IMWAYR!

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