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This week I'm celebrating one month of the Park Challenge!
*throws confetti*

What are you celebrating this week?
We've been at the Park Challenge since July 1st and we've been having a ton of fun. I've tried to take pictures as much as possible along the way and we've been tweeting with #parkchallenge but I thought I would share an update here.
The idea is that we go to a different park everyday from July 1st to September 1st. It's been awesome to meet up with friends and family and to try out different parks, some we haven't even been to before. The kids are totally into it and will remind us that we need to go to a park. Sometimes we plan out the week and sometimes we see where the week takes us. We've been saving some of the super close-to-home parks and it's still amazing that we've found so many others.
I go back to school on August 10th and the kids start on the 17th so we're going to run into making it to parks when school is in...but we're determined so we'll see how it goes! But for now, I'm celebrating our first month of the park challenge.
What are you celebrating this week?
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