
Saturday, April 9, 2016

JOIN: Cherishing Beautiful Moments

Every Saturday, join me as I CELEBRATE This Week 
with Ruth Ayres from Discover. Play. Build.

Gosh I love this weekly celebration post. It's freeing to sit down at my computer and think I can write about whatever I want to write about. I always end up reflecting upon my week and thinking about the ups and down. Life ebbs and flows for me. I've posted before about how I would love to have a daily routine but it doesn't seem to work right now. We have lots of routines but not a consistent daily routine. But that's okay. I think for me, having the change and moving from one thing to the next helps me have balance. Whether I like it or not, I jump to different projects depending on what seems to fit my mood. 

But this weekly check in, a time to pause and appreciate the flow, helps me recognize the movement - whether I'm focusing on my blog or my novel or a presentation - I'm making progress in some way. And that feels great. It helps that the house is quiet and the puppy is sleeping! 
At work, I have a jar of little pieces of paper in it with some notes on them. I started this after reading Flow magazine. It came with little tear out cards so I could write down "Beautiful Moments" from my day. I found them at work and was reading them the other day...and as I sat here thinking about what to write, I remembered I have a little container of them here too!

So here it is!

Here's a Beautiful Moment from the fall: Little Bean and I colored his turkey to look like Darth Vader. He said he loved it and said I'm the best!

And another: Watching Peanut do math homework, trying hard, showing what he knows. He's so big!

I remember those moments but it helped to see the words written down to take me back to those moments. Maybe you'll start a jar of Beautiful Moments. It's a nice way to pause during the day and appreciate a Beautiful Moment and then great to be able to go back and cherish. 

Today I'm celebrating the power of reflection, how I love to stop and pause, how appreciating Beautiful Moments now and later is a wonderful thing. 

What are some beautiful moments you might celebrate this week? 

I've got (virtual) confetti at the ready. 
Thanks for stopping in to explore with me!


  1. That container of cards is so eye-catching. Great way to pause and reflect on moments to celebrate!

  2. This is the first time I've been to this new website! I love your Beautiful Moments cards!

  3. Thank you for sharing your beautiful moments! I have gotten out of the habit. I need to change that. Maybe I'll go and write one right now. Thanks for the nudge!

  4. Great celebrations this week, Jen. It's great to be able to pause, reach into your jar, and remember something good. Here's to many more celebrations to come!

