
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

WATCH: How Yarn Bombing Grew Into a Worldwide Movement

One of my favorite books is Extra Yarn by Mac Barnett with illustrations by Jon Klassen. It makes me happy to think of Annabelle and her generous spirit and remember all the times I've read the book aloud. It's such a fun book to read aloud because of all the unique characters. 
Before reading Extra Yarn, I hadn't seen yarn bombing in real life...but since then, I've stumbled upon it a few different times. Here's a picture of me with my boys a little over a year ago with a yarn-bombed tree in Minnesota!
So here's the story behind yarn bombing, how it and how it has spread. I'm fascinated by how something small can spread into something bigger, how something inside each of us might expand and grow even bigger when others catch hold of it. But the trick is, if we never let our little idea out, it might never have the potential to shine.

Some of Magda's words really speak to me:

"Hidden power can be found 
in the most unassuming places."

"We all possess skills that are 
just waiting to be discovered."

Watch and think about what skills you have. Are you already sharing your ideas, skills, knowledge with others? How might you let your ideas out into the world? How might you share your knowledge and expertise with others? What are some brave things you might do to let your hidden powers out?

We all have super powers we can use to make the world a better place!
Thanks for stopping by to explore with me!

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