I'm a small business owner.
In some ways it was a monumental change in my life and in other ways it was no big deal.
Mentally, it took a lot to get Story Exploratory up and running. Physically, walking into the county building and submitting my application was a piece of cake.
I dreamed up Story Exploratory because
I wanted to be
and empowered.
I felt overwhelmed and tired and stuck.
I felt under-appreciated.
I felt like life had more in store for me.
I felt like I just had to figure out how to share it with the world.
I wondered if maybe others were feeling this too. And I wondered if maybe I could create a space where people could feel seen, celebrated, and empowered.
Story Exploratory is my contribution to the world.
Story Exploratory is for awesome people who are ready to make the world a better place. If you are self-reflective, willing to put in the work, and not afraid to take action, then Story Exploratory is for you. By exploring our stories, we own the people, places, and experiences that have shaped us, share our journeys, and use our stories to impact change in the world.
I believe you are more amazing than you know.
My job is to see you and celebrate you. At Story Exploratory, I give you the time and space and love to explore your story, own your headspace, and maximize your potential. YOU will make the world a better place. I'll be there to guide you and help you along the way. It's not easy, but together, it will be an epic adventure.
As the founder of Story Exploratory,
and empower people.
It's the best! I help people unlock their stories and polish them up so they can shine. I help people navigate the ups and downs of life, tackle self doubt, and face their inner critics. I help people take action and live up to their amazing potential. I support people at every point in their journey. Best of all, I get to celebrate people and have fun.
I'm a proud, small business owner.
Just when I think I'm old enough to know who I am, I start a small business and suddenly I'm taking on a new identity. It's exciting to think about how our identity can evolve over time and I want to be sure to share this with my students. I also am so proud to be able to share this new identity as a small business owner. I'm a Latina woman who started her own small business and that's pretty rockstar, right?!
If you're interested in checking out one of my upcoming workshops, you can find more information and register here.